Bleeding After Perfusion for Open Heart Surgery. Importance of Unneutralized Heparin and its Proper Correction
An anticoagulant is essential in extracorporeal circulations to maintain the fluidity of the blood and to protect the platelets and plasma-coagulation factors in the pump-oxygenator circuit.
Short and Mid-Term Outcome of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Patients with Advanced Age
The aim of our study was to evaluate whether early and mid-term results of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) were worse in patients over 85 year old compared with the younger population.
Comparison of Approaches for Stroke Prophylaxis in Patients with Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation: Network Meta-Analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials
We conducted the current analyses by combining efficacy and safety characteristics of all FDA approved stroke prophylaxis treatment strategies for patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation.
What is the Impact of Preoperative Aspirin Administration on Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
This paper reviewed whether continuation of administration of preoperative aspirin until the day of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) could minimize postoperative mortality, prevalence of postoperative myocardial infarction (MI) with or without influence on postoperative bleeding, packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusion and reoperation for bleeding.
Is the Ross Procedure a Riskier Operation? Perioperative Outcome Comparison with Mechanical Aortic Valve Replacement in a Propensity-Matched Cohort
The aim of this study was to compare perioperative outcomes in young adults following isolated Ross procedure versus mechanical aortic valve replacement (AVR) in a high-volume centre.
Pulmonary and Systemic Vascular Resistances After Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Role of Hemolysis
Prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is associated with hemolysis, resulting in increased plasma oxyhemoglobin and vascular nitric oxide depletion.
Pulmonary and Systemic Vascular Resistances After Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Role of Hemolysis
Prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is associated with hemolysis, resulting in increased plasma oxyhemoglobin and vascular nitric oxide depletion.
Reemergence of Mycobacterium chimaera in Heater–Cooler Units despite Intensified Cleaning and Disinfection Protocol
Invasive Mycobacterium chimaera infections after open-heart surgery have been reported internationally.
Pulmonary and Systemic Vascular Resistances After Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Role of Hemolysis
Prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is associated with hemolysis, resulting in increased plasma oxyhemoglobin and vascular nitric oxide depletion.
Active Bleeding after Cardiac Surgery: A Prospective Observational Multicenter Study
This article estimates the incidence of active bleeding after cardiac surgery (AB) based on a definition directly related on blood flow from chest drainage; describes the AB characteristics and its management; and identifies factors of postoperative complications.
Efficacy of Intraoperative Cell Salvage in Decreasing Perioperative Blood Transfusion Rates in First-Time Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Retrospective Study
Evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of intraoperative cell salvage (ICS) in transfusion reduction during cardiac surgery remains conflicting. We sought to evaluate the impact of routine ICS on outcomes following cardiac surgery.
Management of Massive Bleeding in a Jehovah’s Witness Obstetric Patient: The Overwhelming Importance of a Pre-Established Multidisciplinary Protocol
Life-threatening massive bleeding is doubtlessly one of the biggest challenges in health care, especially in patients who reject allogeneic transfusion, such as Jehovah's Witnesses.