Implementation of the Continuous AutoTransfusion System (C.A.T.S) in Open Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair: An Observational Comparative Cohort Study
The C.A.T.S markedly reduced the amount of blood transfused, was associated with reduced intensive care unit and postoperative hospital stay, and was cost-effective.
Perfusion Approaches to Blood Conservation
There are several perfusion techniques that can contribute to blood conservation. Minimizing existing circuit components, using mini-circuits and the maneuver of retrograde autologous priming can be considered steps in prime reduction.
Evaluation of a New Platelet Function Analyzer in Cardiac Surgery: A Comparison of Modified Thromboelastography and Whole-Blood Aggregometry
Therefore, a new whole-blood platelet function analyzer was compared with thromboelastography in predicting postoperative hemostatic outcomes as measured by blood loss and blood product use.
Effect of Pericardial Blood Processing on Postoperative Inflammation and the Complement Pathways
The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of processing of pericardial blood with a cell-saving device (CS) and vacuum-assisted cardiopulmonary bypass (VACPB) on reduction of postoperative inflammation.
Promoted New Bone Formation in Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis Using a Tissue-Engineered Osteogenic Material
Bilateral maxillary distraction was performed at a higher rate in rabbits to determine whether locally applied tissue-engineered osteogenic material (TEOM) enhances bone regeneration.
Cell Salvage in Obstetrics (Summary)
Cell salvage in obstetrics has been endorsed by several bodies based on current evidence.
Blood Conservation Summary
This article focuses primarily on perioperative blood management techniques which can be implemented in cardiac surgery.
Successful Blood Conservation During Craniosynostotic Correction With Dual Therapy Using Procrit and Cell Saver
As a blood conserving strategy, we studied the use of 1) recombinant human erythropoietin or Procrit (to optimize preoperative hematocrit) and 2) Cell Saver (to recycle the slow, constant ooze of blood during the prolonged case).
Usefulness of Low Prime Perfusion Pediatric Circuit in Decreasing Blood Transfusion
We tested the efficiency of small prime volume in decreasing the blood requirement during pediatric cardiac surgery.
Blood Conservation Strategies to Reduce the Need for Red Blood Cell Transfusion in Critically Ill Patients
A number of blood conservation strategies exist that may mitigate anemia in hospital patients and limit the need for transfusion. These strategies include the use of hemostatic agents, hemoglobin substitutes and blood salvage techniques, the reduction of blood loss associated with diagnostic testing, the use of erythropoietin and the use of restrictive blood transfusion triggers.
The Ideal Transfusion Trigger in Critically Ill Patients
The TRICC trial has established the safety of such strategy, suggesting that physicians should minimize exposing their patients to allogeneic RBCs by lowering the transfusion trigger.
Blood Conservation Strategies to Reduce the Need for Red Blood Cell Transfusion in Critically Ill Patients
Although blood transfusion is a life-saving therapy, evidence suggests that it may be associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality.