The Silent Risks of Blood Transfusion
Rawn discusses some of the newer findings that raise questions about the risks and benefits of blood transfusions.
Blood Conservation Approaches in Surgical Patients
In addition to more restrictive "transfusion triggers", presently available allogeneic blood conservation strategies in surgery include preoperative increase in red blood cells (RBC) mass, techniques or pharmaceutical agents that reduce blood loss, and perioperative blood salvage.
Retrograde Autologous Priming and Allogeneic Blood Transfusions in Adults: A Meta-Analysis
A literature review and meta-analysis were undertaken to assess the clinical effectiveness of retrograde autologous priming of the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit to reduce allogeneic packed red blood transfusions in adult cardiac surgery.
Immunological Complications of Blood Transfusion
In the developed world, most of the reported complications of transfusion have an immunological basis. Although the media and the public are worried about the infectious risks of transfusion, hemovigilance reports show that antigen-antibody reactions are responsible for the vast majority of acute and delayed transfusion reactions
How Much Residual Plasma May Cause TRALI?
Our cases suggest that the residual plasma volume as small as 10-20 mL containing donor derived WBC antibodies may cause TRALI.
Blood Management: A Primer for Clinicians
The purpose of this primer is to broaden the awareness of health care practitioners in terms of the risks versus benefits of blood transfusions, their economics, and alternative treatments.
The Haemonetics Cell Saver 5 Washing Properties: Effect of Different Washing Pump and Centrifuge Speeds
This study evaluated the effect of different washing and centrifuge rates of the Cell Saver 5 on the quality of processed autologous blood.
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Cell Salvage in Routine Cardiac Surgery
We designed a randomized controlled trial to determine whether routine cell salvage for elective uncomplicated cardiac surgery reduces blood transfusion and is cost effective in the setting of a rigorous transfusion protocol and routine administration of antifibrinolytics.
Perioperative Coagulation Management and Blood Conservation in Cardiac Surgery: A Canadian Survey
To determine which strategies are currently used for (anti)coagulation management and blood conservation during cardiac surgery in Canada.
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Therapy in Critically Ill Jehovah’s Witnesses
Fourteen cases were identified in which rHuEPO was administered to Jehovah's Witnesses who required the drug for critical care resuscitation as an alternative to blood products.
Acute Lung Injury Following Blood Transfusion: Expanding the Definition
The management of both the classic and delayed transfusion-related acute lung injury syndromes is essentially supportive.
Editorial: Regulator Says Hospitals Need Strict Heparin Rules
A regulatory group told hospitals Wednesday to adopt strict measures to prevent errors involving blood thinners including heparin — mistakes that have been made nearly 60,000 times and led to dozens of deaths in recent years.