Alarming Levels of Carboxyhemoglobin in Banked Blood
To determine the level of carboxyhemoglobin found in banked blood in the Albany, NY region. DESIGN: A retrospective descriptive analysis of carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels in a series of packed red blood cell (PRBC) units.
Recombinat Activated Factor VII Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Review the use of recombinant activated Factor VII following cardiac surgery. Specifically, we sought to define our current therapeutic practice indications and outcomes to assess the impact of recombinant activated factor VII on postoperative bleeding.
Blood Transfusion Reduction in Cardiac Surgery: Multidisciplinary Approach at a Community Hospital
Mounting evidence exists for more restrictive blood transfusion practices in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Few studies, however, have recognized or agree upon a method by which this decrease in allogeneic red blood cell transfusion can be achieved. We will review our methods and experience in a blood conservation initiative from 2003 to 2007.
Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery. Focus on Modifiable Risk Factors
The objective of the present study was to identify and determine the prognostic importance of such risk factors.
Aggressive Zero Balance Ultrafiltration on CPB in Patients with Renal Failure May Cause Cerebral Edema: A Theoretical Analysis
The objective of this study was to determine the brain volume changes that occur secondary to hemofiltration during cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with renal failure.
Use of Recombinant Factor VIIa (NovoSeven) in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
This study retrospectively evaluates rFVIIa administration for the treatment of severe bleeding in pediatric patients immediately after cardiac surgical procedures requiring CPB.
Effects of Modified Ultrafiltration on Coagulation as Measured by the Thromboelastograph
This study aimed to evaluate clot formation and strength, bleeding, and transfusions in adult subjects undergoing MUF. Nineteen subjects having primary coronary artery bypass, aortic, or mitral valve surgeries were recruited and randomized to having MUF (n = 10) or no-MUF (n = 9) performed after the termination of CPB.
Soon, All Eyes on Better Blood Use
About 80,000 times a day, physicians in the U.S. must decide whether to transfuse blood products into a patient.
Protocol Based on Thromboelastograph (TEG) Out-Performs Physician Preference Using Laboratory Coagulation Tests to Guide Blood Replacement During and After Cardiac Surgery: A Pilot Study
This study compares administration according to physician's choice based on laboratory coagulation tests with application of a strict protocol based on the thromboelastograph (TEG).
Acid-Base Effects of a Bicarbonate-Balanced Priming Fluid During Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Comparison With Plasma-Lyte 148. A Randomised Single-Blinded Study
In an attempt to prevent this disturbance, we designed a bicarbonate-based crystalloid circuit prime balanced on physico-chemical principles with a strong ion difference of 24 mEq/l and compared its acid-base effects with those of Plasma-Lyte 148, a multiple electrolyte replacement solution containing acetate plus gluconate totalling 50 mEq/l.
Reconstituted Fresh Whole Blood Improves Clinical Outcomes Compared With Stored Component Blood Therapy for Neonates Undergoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass for Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial
This study compared the effects of reconstituted fresh whole blood against standard blood component therapy in neonates undergoing cardiac surgery.
Retrograde Autologous Priming and Allogeneic Blood Transfusions in Adults: A Meta-Analysis
A literature review and meta-analysis were undertaken to assess the clinical effectiveness of retrograde autologous priming of the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit to reduce allogeneic packed red blood transfusions in adult cardiac surgery.