Mortality In Trauma Patients May Be Doubled By Old Red Blood Cells
Severe trauma patients requiring a major transfusion are twice as likely to die if they receive red blood cells stored for a month or longer, according to research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Critical Care.
Lepirudin in the Management of Patients With Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
Lepirudin, a recombinant hirudin, is a direct irreversible thrombin inhibitor by binding to both free and clot-bound thrombin.
Multi-Modality Blood Conservation Strategy in Open-Heart Surgery: An Audit
A standardized multidisciplinary approach to blood conservation in cardiac surgery decreases bleeding and transfusion requirements in a safe and cost effective manner.
Does Blood Transfusion Harm Cardiac Surgery Patients?
Over recent years there has been a substantial body of evidence demonstrating strong associations between transfusion and adverse outcomes, including myocardial, neurological and renal injury, in a range of clinical settings where transfusion is administered for reasons other than life-threatening bleeding.
Impact of Fresh-Frozen Plasma from Male-Only Donors Versus Mixed-Sex Donors on Postoperative Respiratory Function in Surgical Patients: A Prospective Case-Control Study
: This study compared pulmonary function after the transfusion of FFP derived from either male donors only (FFP-male) or mixed donors (FFP-mixed) in informed surgical patients treated at a tertiary university hospital in Japan.
Soluble Fibrin Monomer Complex and Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The purpose of this study was to determine whether a positive SFMC test is associated with pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative variables for patients that have undergone cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).
Clinical Efficacy of Two-Phase Leukocyte Filtration in High-Risk Patients Undergoing Coronary Revascularization with Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical outcome, inflammatory response and myocardial function in high-risk patients undergoing three different leukocyte depletion strategies.
Blood Utilization at a Level I Trauma Center: Is This as Good as it Gets?
Recognition of the adverse effects of allogeneic blood resulted in the decreased use of red blood cell (RBC) transfusion in surgical practice in the 1990s.
Hetastarch Increases the Risk of Bleeding Complications in Patients After Off-Pump Coronary Bypass Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Hetastarch is an artificial colloid widely used intraoperatively in fluid-replacement regimens. Previous studies have found that the intraoperative administration of hetastarch may increase the risk of postoperative bleeding in patients who undergo coronary artery bypass graft surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.
Perioperative Handling of Patients on Antiplatelet Therapy with Need for Surgery
The widespread use of metal stents and drug-eluting stents has shown the extent to which patients with unstable coronary perfusion depend on antiplatelet drugs, and how their risk of late thrombosis depends on the long-term use of agents such as clopidogrel.
ZymoGenetics Submits Citizen Petition to FDA Requesting Removal of Bovine Thrombin from Market in the Interest of Patient Safety
ZymoGenetics, Inc. (NASDAQ:ZGEN), announced today the submission of a Citizen Petition to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that the FDA remove Thrombin-JMI® Thrombin, topical (bovine origin) from the market in the interest of patient safety. The Citizen Petition is prompted by recent reports of serious or fatal bleeding-related adverse events in surgical patients exposed to bovine (cattle-derived) thrombin.