Effect of Respiratory Rehabilitation Before Open Cardiac Surgery on Respiratory Function: A Randomized Clinical Trial
The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of pulmonary rehabilitation before surgery for reducing the risk of pulmonary complications after surgery.
Restoration of the Coagulation Cascade on CPB: A Case Report
Correction of coagulopathy post CPB can present the surgical team with a number of challenges, including right ventricular volume overload, hemodilution, anemia and excessive cell salvage with further loss of coagulation factors.
High-Dose Continuous Oxacillin Infusion Results in Achievement of Pharmacokinetics Targets in Critically ill Patients with Deep Sternal Wound Infections Following Cardiac Surgery
We aim to determine the steady-state plasma and mediastinal concentrations of oxacillin administered by continuous infusion in critically ill patients with DSWI and to compare these concentrations with the susceptibility of Staphylococci recovered.
A 2014 Update on Coagulation Management for Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The current review discusses aspects in cardiopulmonary bypass-induced coagulopathy with emphasis on point-of-care testing and individualized "goal-directed" therapy in patients who develop excessive bleeding after cardiac surgery.
A 2014 Update on Coagulation Management for Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The current review discusses aspects in cardiopulmonary bypass-induced coagulopathy with emphasis on point-of-care testing and individualized "goal-directed" therapy in patients who develop excessive bleeding after cardiac surgery.
Hyperthermic Perfusion as Treatment Modality for Oncological Procedures: Present and Future Perspectives (EP Video)
Peter Van den Barselaar discusses the use of hyperthermic perfusion for various oncological procedures (18:11 minutes).
The Proposed 6th edition of Standards for Perioperative Autologous Blood Collection and Administration
The proposed 6th edition of Standards for Perioperative Autologous Blood Collection and Administration is available for public comment from February 28, 2014 until April 29, 2014. A summary of significant changes is provided to facilitate review of the proposed Standards.
The Proposed 6th edition of Standards for Perioperative Autologous Blood Collection and Administration
The proposed 6th edition of Standards for Perioperative Autologous Blood Collection and Administration is available for public comment from February 28, 2014 until April 29, 2014. A summary of significant changes is provided to facilitate review of the proposed Standards.
Rapid Prototyping Compliant Arterial Phantoms for In-Vitro Studies and Device Testing
This work aims to gather preliminary data on the distensibility of this material, in order to assess the feasibility of its use in the context of experimental cardiovascular modelling.
Central-Radial Artery Pressure Gradient after Cardiopulmonary Bypass is Associated with Cardiac Function and May Affect Therapeutic Direction
To investigate the risk factors involved in radial-femoral artery pressure gradient after cardiac surgery.
Cardioplegia 2011: Why Be Concerned About Myocardial Protection? (EP Video)
Dr. Richard Weisel discusses current trends in myocardial protection (23:41 minutes).
2009 Perfusion Salary & Benefits Survey Results
This is our fifth effort to provide the perfusion community with information regarding our jobs, benefits, and remuneration. I want to again sincerely thank Bryan V. Lich, CCP of Perfusion.com for posting the survey and capturing the survey data electronically. I also want to thank everyone who took the time to participate in this year’s survey. Your involvement is what makes this survey and the information it provides worthwhile.