Perfusion NewswireMain ZoneCase Report Utilizing Custodial Cardioplegia (EP Video)Case Report Utilizing Custodial Cardioplegia (EP Video)Epic StaffingMain Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Robotic Totally Endoscopic Multivessel Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: Procedure Development, Challenges, Results Closed-chest totally endoscopic coronary artery bypass grafting (TECAB) is feasible using robotic technology.
Circuit Surfers, 2015 Sanibel Perfusion Symposium: Course Agenda Perfusion.Com Presents Click image to view Sanibel Conference The Sanibel Perfusion Symposium will be held on February 4-7th, 2015 at the luxurious Sanibel […]
Perfusion Zone, Tiny Perfusion Letter Intra-Operative Hyperoxia and the Risk of Delirium in Elderly Patients after Cardiac Surgery We conclude that CBP hyperoxia episodes may be a risk factor associated with the occurrence of postoperative delirium.