Career Perfusionist [17] Perfusion Links…
Editor’s Note:
I was reading online at the ANZP website, and came across their Links section. I had seen it before and was impressed at the thoroughness and organization of the information, so I thought I would share it with the rest of our colleagues in the perfusion universe.
It’s pretty handy and impressive.
Thank You ANZP !
Links to other Perfusion and Medical sites
The ANZCP Inc. does not necessarily endorse anything you might find on these sites. Please e-mail the ANZCP Website if you have an interesting site to list here.
Perfusion – Asia
ChSECC Chinese Society of Extracorporeal Circulation |
IBCP Indian Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion |
ISECT Indian Society of Extra Corporeal Technology |
Perfusion Korea | |
Singapore Society of Extracorporeal CirculationTechnology | |
JaSECT Japan Society of Extra corporeal Technology |
Perfusion – Australasia
NSWSCCP The NSW Society of Cardiac Clinical Perfusionist |
Perfusion – Canada
Canadian Society of Clinical Perfusion |
Perfusion – Europe
College Francais de Perfusion French College of Perfusion |
HUZEC Croatian Society of Extracorporeal Circulation |
EBCP The European Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion |
FECECT Foundation European Congress on Extracorporeal Circulation Technology |
Belsect Belgian Society of Extracorporeal Technology |
NeSECC Dutch Society for Extracorporeal Circulation |
Austrian Society of Perfusionists | |
RoSect Romanian Society of Extracorporeal Technology |
The Society of Clinical Perfusion Scientists of Great Britain and Ireland | |
Asociación Española de Perfusionistas Spanish Perfusion Society |
Dansect Danish Society of Extracorporeal Technology |
Norsect Norwegian Society of Extracorporeal Technology |
SweSECT Swedish Society of Extracorporeal Technology |
Scansect Scandinavian Society of Extracorporeal Technology |
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiotechnik e.V. German society for cardio-vascular engineering |
Italian Perfusion Resource | |
Italian Association of Perfusionists | |
Czech Society of Extracorporeal Circulation | |
Polish | |
SwissPerfusion | |
Russian Professional Union of ExtraCorporeal Technology | |
Portuguese |
Perfusion – Middle East & Africa
Perfusionist Association of Turkey | |
Lebanese College of Perfusionists in Cardiac Surgery | |
Saudi Arabi Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology | |
PerfMed Perfusion South African |
Perfusion – South America
Asociación de Perfusionistas de la República Argentina | |
Brazilian Society of Extracorporeal Circulation | |
Perfusion Line Latin American directory of Perfusion resources |
Perfusion – USA
Perfusion – International
ICEBP International Consortium for Evidence-Based Perfusion |
International Society of Extracorporeal Technology |
- Australasian Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons
- Society of Thoracic Surgeons (USA)
- The Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
- American Heart Association
- Heart Surgery Forum
- Australian Anaesthesia
- Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA)
- Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA)
- Australian College of Emergency Medicine
- GASNET Global Anaesthesia Server Network.
Other Societies
- Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
- The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards
- American Medical Association
- Canadian Medical Association
Journals & Search Engines
Google Scholar | |
Academic search engine JECT |
The Journal of Extracorporeal Technology Perfusion published by Arnold in the UK |
Canadian Perfusion | |
LAJECT Latin American Journal of Extracorporeal Technology |
NeSECC Nederlands Society of Extracorporeal circulation Journal |
International Journal of Artificial Organs | |
Internet Journal of Perfusionists | |
International Perfusion Journal | |
Multimedia Manual of Cardiothoracic Surgery | |
Interactive CardioVascular & Thoracic Surgery | |
Cardiac Surgery in the AdultPerfusion Chapter |
- Baxter Healthcare
- Cobe Cardiovascular
- Jostra
- Medi-Stim A/S
- Medtronic
- Pall Corporation
- Polystan
- QUEST Medical Inc
- Terumo
Event calendars
Australian Government
- MyHospitals presents data on individual public hospitals throughout Australia. It has been set up under the National Health and Hospitals Network Agreement. It also includes information on many private hospitals.
- Australian Government Department of Health and Family Services
- Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
Perfusion simulation
- Sydney Medical Simulation Centre – a training and research facility that specializes in Clinical Skills, Human Factors and Patient Safety training for multidisciplinary critical care teams using a suite of simulators.
- ULCO technologies – designer and manufacturer of ‘Orpheus’ perfusion simulator
- CardioSimulator – Simulator for Extracorporeal simulation in Germany
Perfusion Blogs
- Circuit Surfers -perfusionist forum for discussion, and a reservoir for perfusion related information, trends, and updates
- HospitalWeb List of hospitals which have web sites (including Australian hospitals).
- MAUDE (FDA’s Manufacturer And User Facility Device Experience database) – is a searchable storehouse of all medical device failure reports and you can find the real deal on problems with that new oxygenator before you start using it.
- Dave McCloskey’s Perfusion Database
- Perfusion Bookstore
- EuroScore – European system for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation. Includes a downloadable calculator to determine operative risk of mortality.
- Perfusion Guidelines – a registry of perfusion related protocols
- Manbit Technologies – includes multiple choice questions, haemoglobin dissociation curve programme, information on ‘Anaesthetic Record Keeper & Information System’ for use with Sarns Heart lung machine, Pulmonary artery catheter simulator etc
- The Medical Algorithms Project – Computation, formula, survey, or look-up table, useful in healthcare. More than 7000 algorithms, organized into 45 chapters, are available as spreadsheets which can be opened in your browser
- Cardiothoracic imaging – Imaging from Yale University School of Medicine. An illustrated tutorial particularly aimed at medical students.
- Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne. Excellent resource for paediatric related perfusion protocols and presentations
- Perfusion line – commercial perfusion resource site
- ECCBook – Extracorporeal Circulation and Cardiac Surgery ‘e-learning’