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Wound Healing Types and Stages: An Online Review
Wound Healing Types: Primary Healing – Occurring when a wound is closed within a few hours of its creation. Wound edges are […]
The Experience of Early Extubation After Paediatric Congenital Heart Surgery in a Chinese Hospital
Patients with early extubation had a lower reintubation rate and nasal continuous positive airway pressure rate, and a shorter length of stay in the ICU and hospital.
Use of del Nido Cardioplegia Solution and a Low-Prime Recirculating Cardioplegia Circuit in Pediatrics
Our institution has modified a low-prime cardioplegia system (CPS) and adopted a single-dose cardioplegia solution (del Nido cardioplegia) for our congenital heart disease population. The goal of this article is to describe our CPS and outline our myocardial protection protocol.