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Regional Cerebral Oximetry as an Indicator of Acute Brain Injury in Adults Undergoing Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation-A Prospective Pilot Study
ECMO patients that develop acute brain injuries (ABIs) are observed to have worse outcomes. We evaluated the association between rScO2 and ABI in venoarterial (VA) ECMO patients.
Risk Factors and Treatment of Oxygenator High-Pressure Excursions During Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Large body surface area, high hematocrit during CPB, previous stroke and acute surgery were independently associated with HPE. A treatment protocol including epoprostenol appears to be a safe option. Perioperative stroke rate was increased in HPE patients.
Platelet Lysates Promote Mesenchymal Stem Cell Expansion: A Safety Substitute for Animal Serum in Cell-Based Therapy Applications
Therefore, because platelets are a natural source of growth factors, we sought to investigate in vitro MSC expansion in response to platelet lysates (PL) obtained from platelet-rich plasma.