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Perfusion Without Borders: The Mission Experience (EP Video)
Jim Reagor discusses the mission experience and the function of Amsect's Perfusion Without Borders Committee (27.25 minutes).
Dextran Sulfate as a Leukocyte–Endothelium Adhesion Molecule Inhibitor of Lung Injury in Pediatric Open-Heart Surgery
To prevent this injury, we used a leukocyte–endothelial cell adhesion molecule blocking agent, dextran sulfate, in a clinical setting.
Reliability of Point-Of-Care Hematocrit, Blood Gas, Electrolyte, Lactate and Glucose Measurement During Cardiopulmonary Bypass
In this prospective clinical study, the analytical performance of the GEM Premier 3000 was compared with the Ciba Corning 865 analyser for blood gas/electrolytes/metabolites, and for hematocrit with the Sysmex XE 2100 instrument.