Back Table Setups: Bring-Back Hearts

The Setup
We were setting up case the other day, and had a new scrub getting a shot at passing instruments. I was laughing and joked with them that it sounded like “Open Heart Boot Camp” – the way my friend Andrea (the mentor) was drilling this young lady.
Part of her process was to have the scrubs take a picture of the setup- so they could refer to it down the road.
Well that got me thinking: If we have a picture of it, why not send it to the Monitor we have sitting right there like a giant monolith behind the back table? Put it on Circuit Surfers- and plop that little puppy straight from this site, to the monitor feed?
We have the technology- so Let’s Use It.
Why Not Turn This
Into This ?
So now we have…
Part 1 of a series called Back Table Setups
The Bring Back Heart
(Click on Image to Enlarge)
The Back Table
De-Fib Paddles, Sutures, Forceps, & Such
Slush Machine
Gowns / Gloves / Light Handles / Draping
Tips & Comments