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Experimental Study on Myocardial Protection by Adjunct Use of Carperitide (hANP) in Cardiac Surgery
In recent years, various beneficial roles of human atrial natriuretic peptide (hANP) have been demonstrated in the internal medicine and surgical fields.
Novel Goal-Directed Hemodynamic Optimization Therapy Based on Major Vasopressor during Corrective Cardiac Surgery in Patients with Severe Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Pilot Study
Recent evidence suggests that perioperative goal-directed hemodynamic optimization therapy (GDHOT) significantly improves outcomes in surgery patients. Standard GDHOT is based on major solution volume, vasodilators and inotropic therapy, while novel GDHOT is based on major vasopressor and inotropic therapy.
Peroperative Effects of Fresh Frozen Plasma and Antithrombin III on Heparin Sensitivity and Coagulation during Nitroglycerine Infusion in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
ATIII may be preferred to FFP in patients with heparin resistance due to NTG infusion undergoing CABGS.