Perfusion NewswirePerfusion ZoneAssociations Between Mean Arterial Pressure During Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Biomarkers of Cerebral Injury in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: Secondary Results from A Randomized Controlled Trial
Associations Between Mean Arterial Pressure During Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Biomarkers of Cerebral Injury in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: Secondary Results from A Randomized Controlled Trial
Both CRP and PCT increase after CHS with CPB and peak on postoperative day 2. PCT has a greater statistically significant difference in those with documented infection when compared to CRP and a PCT of greater than 5.6 ng/ml should raise suspicion for infection.
Under the supervision of a healthcare professional, the PRP gel produced by the AutoloGel™ System is suitable for exuding wounds, such as leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, diabetic ulcers and for the management of mechanically or surgicallydebrided wounds.