ASD Repair: Issue- Double IVC / Hepatic Vein
hi circuit surfers
This is very rare finding of the case we diagnos this case is on
table pat taken in ot os ASD normally hepatic vein drain into
subdiaphramtic portion of IVC We saw there were two IVCs draining
into the RA.
This is however not possible, so the other possibility
was One bigger was IVC and the other relatively smaller was Hepatic
So the IVC was cannulated and drained like usual case but now
the question was draining the hepatic vein. So the RA was opened and
Sump sucker was put into the Hepatic vein opening seen in the RA.
In this way all the veins were drained at the same time without looping
and snugging the hepatic vein other wise pt would have developed
hepatic necrosis. ASD was closed and the patch was kept below the
openings of IVC and hepatic vein , so the normal physiology was
achieved. This is one of the RAREST case
as per saw yur comment i send all imaze of this case sending yu
Ashwani Sharma
clinical perfusionist
Desun hospital kolkata