Reducing Cardiovascular Risk Factors With Medication Has Benefits In Type 2 Diabetes
Lowering cholesterol and blood pressure with medication has cardiovascular benefits for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. “Cardiovascular complications account for over […]
Modified Ultrafiltration in Surgical Correction of Congenital Heart Disease with Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The surgical correction of congenital heart disease using haemodilution and hypothermia with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) may expose patients to tissue ischaemia and […]
Incidence of UTI High in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes
NEW ORLEANS (Reuters Health) – Patients with unstable coronary syndromes are three times more likely to have urinary tract infections (UTIs) than […]
Vacuum-Assisted Venous Return Reduces Blood Usage
Objective: To determine whether vacuum-assisted venous return has clinical advantages over conventional gravity drainage apart from allowing the use of smaller cannulas […]
Experimental Device Developed By Percutaneous Valve Technologies May Provide Alternative to Open Heart Surgery
Percutaneous Valve Technologies, Inc. (PVT) — a privately held medical technology company engaged in the development of a breakthrough device for the […]
Surgery For Prosthetic Valve Obstruction May Currently Be Safest, Most Effective Treatment
Early operation is appears effective and safe for most cases of prosthetic heart valve obstruction (PHVO), especially in patients in stable preoperative […]
VEGF Gene Therapy for Heart Failure Reaching Phase III Trials
Gene therapy, using Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 121 (AdVEGF121, Biobypass, GenVec, Gaithersburg, MD), effectively induces regrowth of blood vessels and improves exercise […]
Shortened Anticoagulation Course May Be Effective For Deep Vein Thrombosis
A shortened course of warfarin anticoagulation therapy proved effective in treating deep vein thrombosis following total hip and knee arthroplasty. Canadian investigators […]
Diverse Causes of Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation Following CABG
Prolonged mechanical ventilation (PMV) arises from diverse causes that vary over time and in their impact on ventilation duration following coronary artery […]
Ventricular-Assist Devices Help Patients Wait for Cardiac Transplantation at Hom
Patients who need ventricular assist devices (VAD) while waiting for a heart transplant can leave the hospital and go home without increasing […]
Ventricular Assistance Device May Prevent Complications During Angioplasty
The Tandem Heart percutaneous left ventricular assist device (pVAD) (Cardiac Assist Technologies, Inc., Ithaca, New York) may reduce complications associated with high-risk […]
Platelet Storage Solution Improves the in Vitro Function of Preserved Platelet Concentrate
BACKGROUND: Stored platelets develop biochemical lesions, manifest as depressed haemostatic function, clot retraction and wound healing. ViaCyte trade mark, a proprietary experimental […]