Billing Mistakes Cost Medicare $11.6 billion, US says
Billing mistakes cost the U.S. Medicare program $11.6 billion in improper payments in fiscal 2003, the U.S. government reported on Friday. The […]
Medicare Pay: 2004 Forecast Looks Gloomy
Physicians escaping the proverbial frying pan of a 4.4% cut in Medicare payments in 2003 have found themselves right back in the […]
Medtronic Announces FDA Approval Of InSync Marquis™ Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy System
MINNEAPOLIS, March 28, 2003 – Medtronic, Inc. (NYSE: MDT) today announced U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of the InSync Marquis™ cardiac […]
Medtronic Announces the U.S. Launch of Its Starfish Heart Positioner
Rounding out its full suite of products designed to facilitate the practice of beating heart bypass surgery, Medtronic, Inc. (NYSE:MDT) today announced […]
Medtronic Acquires TransVascular Inc.
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Medtronic Inc., a medical device company, on Monday said it has bought TransVascular Inc., a small privately held […]
Management of In-transit Melanoma of the Extremity With Isolated Limb Perfusion
Abstract: In-transit metastases for melanoma are a type of stage III regional metastatic disease that are intradermal or subcutaneous nodules growing within […]
Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death in Women Differ From That for Men
The number of women in their 30s and 40s who experience sudden cardiac death is increasing much faster than the number of […]
Effects of Mental Stress Increase Risk of Death in Coronary Artery Disease
Mental stress can trigger a lack of blood flow to the heart and increase the risk of death in people with coronary […]
Magnesium Helps Prevent Arrhythmia After Cardiac Surgery
Magnesium administration helps prevent postoperative atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, researchers reported here on March 9th at the American College […]
Changes in Plasma Total and Ionized Magnesium Concentrations and Factors Affecting Magnesium Concentrations.
The purpose of this study was to measure blood total and ionized magnesium concentrations (ÄTMgÅ and ÄMg(2+)Å, respectively) and to investigate factors […]
Influence of Angiographic Collateral Circulation on Myocardial Perfusion
ABSTRACT:The functional role of various angiographic grades for coronary collaterals remains controversial. The aim of this study was to assess the influence […]
Improved Methods for Measurement of Gaseous Microbubbles During Extracorporeal Circulation
Abstract: The detection and quantification of gaseous microbubbles in the arterial line of the extracorporeal circuit (ECC) are very important aims for […]