The Hemodynamic Effects of Warm Versus Room-Temperature Crystalloid Fluid Bolus Therapy in Post-Cardiac Surgery Patients
In postoperative cardiac surgery patients, warm FBT preserved core temperature and induced smaller but more sustained CI increases among responders. Fluid temperature appears to impact both core temperature and the duration of CI response.
Extracorporeal Cytokine Adsorption Therapy As a Preventive Measure in Cardiac Surgery and As a Therapeutic Add-On Treatment in Sepsis: An Update Systematic Review of Comparative Efficacy and Safety
Given the available evidence, the efficacy and safety of extracorporeal cytokine adsorption therapy in combination with standard care in the investigated indications was not established. We strongly recommend considering well-powered studies with patient-relevant endpoints instead of investing further research funds on studies that may not shed light on the clinical benefit of extracorporeal cytokine adsorption therapy.
Does A Balanced Colloid Decrease Perioperative Blood Loss in Paediatric Cardiac Surgery: A Double-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial?
The use of a balanced colloid for peri-operative fluid therapy compared with a saline one is not associated with decreased blood loss or exposure to blood products.
Association of Plasma Fibrinogen and Thromboelastography With Blood Loss in Complex Cardiac Surgery
After adjustment for multiple confounders, viscoelastic clot strength instead of fibrinogen concentration showed a similar performance for 24 hour blood loss and a better performance for 6 hour blood loss. This makes intraoperative viscoelastic testing a useful tool to strengthen early clinical decision-making with the potential to reduce perioperative blood transfusions.
Mammalian Enteral Ventilation Ameliorates Respiratory Failure
EVA has proven effective in mammalians such that it oxygenated systemic circulation and ameliorated respiratory failure. Due to the proven safety of perfluorochemicals in clinics, EVA potentially provides an adjunctive means of oxygenation for patients under respiratory distress conditions.
Clinical Outcomes of Cardiac Surgery Patients Undergoing Therapeutic Plasma Exchange for Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
Therapeutic plasma exchange with heparin re-exposure was not strongly associated with HIT-related thrombosis/death after cardiac surgery with CPB.
Accidental Systematic Administration of 1 Litre of Cardioplegia Solution during Paediatric Cardiac Surgery
The systemic administration of cardioplegia solution is a rare but important iatrogenic clinical emergency that anaesthetists working in cardiac centres should be aware of. This case demonstrates that full recovery is possible.
Effects of Circulatory Arrest and Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Cerebral Autoregulation in Neonatal Swine
In a validated swine model of cardiac surgery, DH-CPB had a significant effect on cerebral autoregulation, whereas DHCA and SCP did not.
Microcirculatory Changes in Pediatric Patients During Congenital Heart Defect Corrective Surgery
Children with congenital heart disease exhibited decreased vascular density and microvascular blood flow and increased heterogeneity during cardiopulmonary bypass. All these parameters returned to baseline values after surgery.
Directing A Dispersion Cannula Tip Toward the Aortic Root during Thoracic Aortic Arch Surgery Does Not Adversely Affect Cardiac Function
Directing the aortic cannula tip toward the aortic root does not adversely affect the postoperative cardiac function after aortic arch surgery.
Protamine Test Dose: Impact on Activated Clotting Time and Circuit Integrity
Regardless of the protamine test dosage, there is no reliable way to predict how a patient’s ACT will respond to a protamine test dose. Clot formation and circuit integrity is at risk when pump suction devices are continuously in use during PTD administration. Therefore, we strongly recommend that the direct recovery of mediastinal shed blood into the pump circuit be discontinued before any amount of protamine is administered to the patient.
Importance of High-Performing Teams in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit
In surgery, recent initiatives have been adopted in the United States and worldwide, aiming to train surgical providers, from novices to senior levels, on important nontechnical skills, such as situational awareness, leadership, decision-making, communication, and teamwork.