Validation of the Relationship Between Coagulopathy and Localization of Hydroxyethyl Starch on the Vascular Endothelium in A Rat Hemodilution Model
HES was shown to cover the endothelium, possibly due to its high shear viscosity, and this mechanism potentially acted to protect, rather than damage, the endothelium and glycocalyx. However, this covering effect may be the cause of coagulopathy due to inhibition of von Willebrand factor secretion from the endothelium.
Postoperative Cerebral Oxygen Saturation in Children After Congenital Cardiac Surgery and Long-Term Total Intelligence Quotient: A Prospective Observational Study
Increased dose of cerebral tissue oxygen saturation desaturation and reduced mean cerebral tissue oxygen saturation during the early postoperative period independently increase the probability of having a lower total intelligence quotient, 2 years after PICU admission.
Pharmacokinetics of Anti-Infective Agents during Cytosorb Hemoadsorption
Hemoadsorption with CytoSorb appears to increase to a clinically significant extent the clearance of five among 17 tested anti-infectives. Studies in human patients are required to confirm the need for dosage adjustment of these agents.
Risk Factors for Acute Kidney Injury and Mortality in High Risk Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
AKI is common among CS patients and associates with shortened life-expectancy. Several pre-operative and intra-operative predictors are associated with AKI and future mortality. Future studies, aiming at improving prognosis in high-risk patients, by a stricter control of these factors, are awaited.
Infectious Complications in Patients Receiving Ticagrelor or Clopidogrel Before Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Our findings do not support a clinically relevant bactericidal effect of ticagrelor in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting.
Intraoperative Cell Salvage for Obstetrics: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
The results of this study suggest that the use of autologous blood cell transfusion is safe and effective for patients with obstetric haemorrhage. Trial registration: All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the Institutional and/or National Research Committee of Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University (2016-XJS-003-01) as well as the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or other comparable ethical standards. The clinical trials were registered (ChiCTR-ICC-15,007,096) on September 28, 2015.
To Research the Effects of Storage Time on Autotransfusion based on Erythrocyte Oxygen-Carrying Capacity and Oxidative Damage Characteristics
This study is expected to provide experimental data for further clarifying the functional status of erythrocytes with different preservation time in patients with autotransfusion, achieving accurate infusion of erythrocytes and improving the therapeutic effect of autologous blood transfusion, which has important clinical application value.
Optimising Bloodless Cardiovascular Surgery for Jehovah’s Witnesses and Beyond
This review summarizes current evidence on the use of pre-, intra-, and post-operative strategies aimed at the subset of patients who refuse blood transfusion, for example Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Assessment of Tissue Oxygenation During Selective Cerebral Perfusion for Neonatal Aortic Arch Reconstruction
SCP under mild hypothermia can aid in efficient maintenance of brain perfusion during neonatal arch reconstruction. The clinical outcome of this strategy was favorable for up to 20 min, but the safety duration of lower body ischemia warrants further analysis.
Dysbiosis and Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction in Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Is Exacerbated Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass
This study offers novel evidence of alterations of the microbiome in congenital heart disease and exacerbation along with intestinal barrier dysfunction following cardiopulmonary bypass.
Cannulation Strategies in Type A Aortic Dissection: A Novel Insight Narrative Review
This review highlights vital details that can be easily overlooked and discuss how to identify and fix failed cannulation from another novel insight. Appropriate arterial cannulation strategy during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) in Stanford type A aortic dissection (AAD) is highly necessary to reach satisfactory perfusion effects and appreciable clinical outcomes.
Hemodilution Increases the Susceptibility of Red Blood Cells to Mechanical Shear Stress During In Vitro Hemolysis Testing
Hemodilution with BSA maintains protein concentration within a physiologic range and reduces bias during hemolysis testing at high blood dilutions. Thus, American Society for Testing and Materials standards could consider including BSA as a diluent, when and as required: where large dilution is required (<83%) use PBS + 4 g% BSA, otherwise use PBS alone.