Novel Autologous, High Concentrated Fibrin as Advanced Hemostatic Agent for Coronary Surgery
Autologous bio-regenerative fibrin can be safely prepared, with no time consuming, and was demonstrated to be a useful tool to decrease allogeneic blood transfusion requirements following elective coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. A prospective randomized trial is needed to confirm these findings.
CTCS Detection from Intraoperative Salvaged Blood in RCC-IVC Thrombus Patients by Negative Enrichment and IFISH Identification: A Preliminary Study
IOCS–LDF might be a promising way of reducing of allogeneic product transfusion based on current preliminary outcome. More convincing conclusions are to be drawn with enlarged sample size and long-term follow-up for patients prognosis.
Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Stanford Type A Aortic Dissection
Derangements in crSO2 detected by cerebral oximetry before and during surgery for TAAD did not predict postoperative stroke and/or global brain ischemia.
Modular Minimally Invasive Extracorporeal Circulation Ensures Perfusion Safety and Technical Feasibility in Cardiac Surgery; A Systematic Review of the Literature
Use of modular MiECC secures safety and ensures technical feasibility in all cardiac surgical procedures. It represents a type III active closed system, while its stand-by component is reserved for a small (<5%) proportion of procedures and for a partial procedural time. Thus, it eliminates any safety concern regarding air handling and volume management, while it overcomes any unexpected intraoperative scenario.
SubZero Balance – Simple Modified Ultrafiltration (SBUF-SMUF) Technique for Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The novel combination of a continuous and non-continuous form of ultrafiltration, Subzero Balance Simple Modified Ultrafiltration (SBUF-SMUF) here described, seeks to enhance recovery from pediatric cardiac surgery and CPB.
Heater–Cooler Devices and Risk of Contamination during Cardiac Surgery
HCDs cannot be expected to remain sterile despite extensive decontamination procedures. However, airborne transmission of microorganisms directly from the HCD to the operating field appears unlikely.
CPB and ECMO Cannulation Survey
We are seeking input from clinical perfusionists, cardiac surgeons, and clinicians responsible for the care and placement of femoral cannula in patients' requiring extracorporeal circulation
Sometimes… You Have to Learn How to Walk All Over Again…
_________________ Editor’s Note: Having negotiated the intricacies of assimilating into 57 heart programs prior- the one thing I know for sure: Each […]
A Prospective Observational Study of Emboli Exposure in Open Versus Closed Chamber Cardiac Surgery
Patients undergoing open-chamber surgery are exposed to considerably higher numbers of cerebral arterial emboli after removal of the aortic cross-clamp than those undergoing closed-chamber surgery, and more emboli enter the right middle cerebral artery than the left. These results may help inform the evaluation of the pathophysiological impact of emboli exposure.
Hyponatremia: An Overlooked Risk Factor Associated With Adverse Outcomes After Cardiac Surgery
Preoperative hyponatremia is relatively common and is associated with adverse short-term and long-term outcomes after cardiac surgery. Preoperative hyponatremia can be used independently from standard risk factors to identify high-risk patients for cardiac surgery.
Evaluation of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Therapy as a Bridging Method
Our study suggests bridging ECMO patients to an LVAD before transplantation will result in improved 1-year survival compared with patients bridged to immediate transplantation. With the new heart allocation system, continued evaluation of outcomes is required to inform management strategies.
The Ethics of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: Revisiting the Principles of Clinical Bioethics
ECMO programs continue to grow in number and capacity. A deep appreciation of the bioethical dimensions of this technology and its application must be pursued, understood and applied to individual patient scenarios.