Pro-Con Debate: Fibrinogen Concentrate or Cryoprecipitate for Treatment of Acquired Hypofibrinogenemia in Cardiac Surgical Patients
In this Pro-Con commentary article, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using fibrinogen concentrate and cryoprecipitate to treat acquired hypofibrinogenemia in cardiac surgical patients.
Biomarkers of Cerebral Injury for Prediction of Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Postoperative serum levels of tau and GFAP were significantly elevated in cardiac surgery patients with POCD at discharge, however, the biomarkers achieved only modest predictive abilities for POCD at discharge. Postoperative levels of NSE were not associated with POCD at discharge.
The Use of Thromboelastography (TEG) and Rotational Thromboelastometry (ROTEM) in Neonates: A Systematic Review
TEG and ROTEM need to become part of the standard coagulation assessment in clinical settings in which hemostatic abnormalities are involved, as they seem to provide more rapid and accurate information regarding the hemostatic profile of the neonates. Their predictive value for bleeding events in critically ill neonates could lead to a more targeted therapy optimizing utilization of blood products.
Nationwide Utilization of Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Cardiothoracic Trauma: A Retrospective Analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank
The use of CPB in the initial management of select cardiothoracic injuries is associated with a survival benefit. Further investigation is required to delineate which specific injuries would benefit the most from the use of CPB.
Measuring and Improving Emotional Intelligence in Surgery: A Systematic Review
The literature entailing the intersection between EI and surgery is diverse but still limited. Generally, EI has been demonstrated to be beneficial in terms of overall well-being and job satisfaction while also protecting against burnout. EI skills may provide a promising modifiable target to achieve desirable outcomes for both the surgeon and the patient. Future studies may emphasize the relevance of EI in the context of surgical teamwork.
A Nomogram to Predict Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome After Cardiac Surgery
Our developed model predicted ARDS in patients undergoing cardiac surgery and may serve as a tool for identifying patients at high risk for ARDS after cardiac surgery.
Neonatal Cardiopulmonary Bypass Circuit Blood Prime Quality Analysis
Attention to the prime quality beyond the immediate post-priming period may be beneficial. Should the time period between validation of the prime quality and initiation of bypass be extended, it may be advisable to reevaluate the prime quality.
Myocardial Revascularization Surgery
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) was introduced in the 1960s as the first procedure for direct coronary artery revascularization and rapidly became one of the most common surgical procedures worldwide, with an overall total of more than 20 million operations performed.
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I am a contract perfusionist willing and ready to travel. Excellent current and past references, ABCP certified x forever- and have put […]
Perfusion Art: “Gradients”
Perfusion Art: “Gradients” Photographer: Frank Aprile, CCP, BBA, LP Equipment: I Phone 8+ Editing: Photoshop Narrative: Say hello to your little friend… Every day we see this […]
The Impact of Team Familiarity on Intra and Postoperative Cardiac Surgical Outcomes
Team familiarity, which was predictive of improved intraoperative efficiency without compromising major postoperative outcomes, may serve as a novel quality improvement target in the setting of cardiac surgery.
Preservation of Renal Endothelial Integrity and Reduction of Renal Edema by Aprotinin Does Not Preserve Renal Perfusion and Function Following Experimental Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Aprotinin did not improve renal perfusion nor reduce renal injury during the first hour following experimental CPB despite preservation of renal endothelial integrity and reduction of renal edema.