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Perfusion Art: “Crystal Vortex”
“Crystal Vortex” _______________________Click image to enlarge Photographer: Frank Aprile, BBA, LP, CCP Equipment: Digital Editing: Photoshop: Grey Scale: Contrast adjustments: Narrative: Just […]
Effect of Intra-arterial Nimodipine on Cerebral Oxygen Saturation and Systemic Hemodynamic Indices in Patients With Cerebral Vasospasm: A Prospective Cohort Study
IaN for aSAH-related cerebral vasospasm did not improve rScO2 but was associated with significant systemic hemodynamic effects, including a decrease in MBP and TPRI. These hemodynamic changes might offset any potential effects of IaN to improve rScO2.
Ascending and Transverse Aortic Arch Repair: The Impact of Retrograde Cerebral Perfusion
The benefit of retrograde cerebral perfusion (RCP) with profound hypothermic circulatory arrest has been subject to much debate. We examined our experience with ascending and transverse arch repairs to determine the impact of retrograde cerebral perfusion on stroke and mortality.