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From Saigon to Facebook: An Interview With a Veteran Perfusionist & a Veteran of Foreign Wars
“Be willing to work many hours, often times in a very stressful situation where the human life; both adult and infant are […]
The Association Between Intraoperative Cell Salvage and Red Blood Cell Transfusion in Cardiac Surgery – An Observational Study in A Patient Blood Management Centre
Here, we evaluate the benefit of CS in a large number of patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery at a designated PBM centre. We hypothesised that the use of CS is associated with a decreased proportion of patients exposed to RBC transfusion as an individual measure in a comprehensive PBM program.
Is the Air Handling Capability of the Quadrox D Pump Dependent within an ECMO Circuit? An In Vitro Study
We aimed to determine if the air handling capability of the Quadrox D oxygenator was dependent upon whether it was used in conjunction with a centrifugal or roller pump; and if application of a Pall air eliminating filter (AEF) would prevent circuit air introduction from intravenous infusions.