An Amazingly Affordable Solution! 40 CEU’s : WEBCast- Sannibel Symposium

Click on image to view WEBCast details
Editor’s Note:
I have used’s online education features before- especially to get some last minute CEU’s for certification renewal. The presentations are solid and informational, and extremely convenient and affordable. I highly recommend this as an option for those of us who can’t get away to attend some of our meetings.
Welcome to the Future of Continuing Education!
The Sanibel Symposium will be available via Live Webcast. We will be using a browser-based streaming solution (WebEx) that is compatible with all web browsers and operating systems. This will give Perfusion.COM members who are unable to attend our Symposium an opportunity to participate live and earn 40 CEU credits for their participation. Webcast participants will be able to view the presenter simultaneously with the presentation (including video content within the PowerPoint Presentations), as well as join in with the discussion part of the program via live chat.
The price for the Live Webcast is $325 (through 12/31) and can be purchased online via the link below. Student and International Attendee discounts are available.
- Live Webcast Registration (Pay here)
- Live Webcast Instructions
- LIVE WEBCAST SIGN IN (Use this link to join the live webcast)
No Phone support is available, only email support during the conference.
- Windows or MAC PC
- High Speed Internet Connection
- Approved Web Browser
Perfusion Educators: Please contact us if you would like to enroll all or part of your student class.
A Live Demo Presentation will be conducted prior to the actual conference. Webcast registrants will be encouraged to participate. Perfusion.COM Support Staff will be available to solve any technical challenges you may encounter. The date for the Demo Presentation will be Tuesday February 3rd at 6PM EST.