Perfusion NewswireMain ZoneAmSECT Today December 2008AmSECT Today December 2008Epic StaffingMain Zone, Perfusion Zone
Circuit Surfers, The Perfusionist: Role in Surgery for Children with Congenital Heart Disease I was going back and forth with Brian Forsberg, MPH, CCP, on twitter this evening discussing a lot of facets regarding international […]
Biologics Zone, Main Zone, Mobile Zone Platelet-Rich and Platelet-Poor Plasma: Development of an Animal Model to Evaluate Hemostatic Efficacy A porcine partial-thickness skin wound model was developed to compare the hemostatic ability of these treatments with untreated control wounds.
Circuit Surfers, Education ERYTHROBLASTOSIS FETALIS Erythroblastosis Fetalis (Written with assistance from Thomas Doyle, MS, CCP) I. GENERAL INFORMATION: Erythroblastosis Fetalis is a process relating to a blood […]