About Circuit Surfers

Why We Do This…
Because We Can …
Established On : 2 / 20 / 2011
- Owner & President: Frank Aprile, BBA, LP, CCP
- Passing 285,000 + Visits…
- 181 countries and 450 + CV programs visit and contribute here.
This Site Is For Us…
This is a forum for discussion, a reservoir for perfusion related information, trends, and updates. I personally think there is a need for us to get to know one another.
The intent of this blog is to allow the perfusion community to stay mainstream with current media innovations and directions.
The effort as well- is to post at least 1 article of interest per day, and over the first 19 months, we have exceeded that threshold.
This is an International effort… So ALL parties are welcome !
Any and all comments, articles, or post submissions from readers, are encouraged and welcome as well.