A Synopsis of 2007 ACCM Clinical Practice Parameters for Hemodynamic Support of Term Newborn and Infant Septic Shock
This is a synopsis of the term newborn and infant portion of the 2007 document (Brierley et al., Crit Care Med 2009;37(2):666-88) which examined and graded new studies performed to test the utility and efficacy of the 2002 recommendations. This 2007 document examined and graded relevant new treatment and outcome studies to determine to what degree, if any, the 2002 guidelines should be modified. More than 30 clinical investigators and clinicians affiliated with the Society of Critical Care Medicine who had special interest in hemodynamic support of pediatric patients with sepsis volunteered to be members of the “update” task force. Subcommittees were formed to review and grade the literature using the evidence-based scoring system of the American College of Critical Care Medicine. The literature was accrued in part by searching PUBMED/MEDLINE using the following keywords: sepsis, septicemia, septic shock, endotoxemia, persistent pulmonary hypertension, nitric oxide, and ECMO. The search was narrowed to identify studies specifically relevant to term newborns, infants, and children. “Best Practice Outcomes” were identified and described clinical practice in these centers was used as a model. The new taskforce is presently working on updating new guidelines evaluating the literature of the past 6 years.