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Hypothermic Cardiopulmonary Bypass Without Exchange Transfusion in Sickle-Cell Patients: A Matched-Pair Analysis
Sickle-cell patients undergo cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery in our institution without perioperative exchange transfusion. We sought to determine whether this protocol increased mortality or important sickle-cell-related complications.
Effectiveness of Two Methods for Preparation of Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma: An Experimental Study in Rabbits
The purpose of this study was to compare the quantity and quality of platelets in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) samples prepared using either the single or the double-centrifugation protocol.
Appropriate Clinical Trial Registration Is the Key to Transparent Reporting and Publication
In summary, since the advent of the platform, the importance of trial registration has been recognized gradually but consistently throughout the globe. However, challenges remain, including the reluctance to participate on the part of pharmaceutical companies and a mindset among the individual researchers that registration is onerous and may result in the report of insignificant primary outcomes.