A Guide To Circuit Surfers: [ 1 ] The Menu Bar

Editor’s Note:
This is a section to familiarize readers with the different areas and aspects of the Circuit Surfer’s Blog.
There is a vast amount of information and diversity to make this a fun and useful media tool for Today’s Perfusionists.
Today’s Topic: The Menu Bar
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About: Circuit Surfers:
This section highlights the mission statement for the ‘Surfers Blog and how it relates to perfusionists across the globe. It also presents a gallery of some of the Best Perfusion Posts on Circuit Surfers.
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Contact: Circuit Surfers:
Click to email Circuit Surfers.
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Site Stats: @ Circuit Surfers:
Click to see visitors, and geographic demographics for the site
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What is Perfusion? @ Circuit Surfers:
A series of thorough posts, describing the elements and evolution of the profession, as well as a detailed look at what it takes to be a perfusionist.
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Letters to ‘Surfers: @ Circuit Surfers:
A series of letters posted to Circuit Surfers from the reader membership (we all belong). Subsequent responses are posted as well, and commentary / position statements are available from readers throughout.
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Missions: @ Circuit Surfers:
Posts and stories regarding international perfusion assistance and participation in cardiac surgery missions. Some very dynamic and informative material in here as well as 1st person gripping accounts of being part of a mission in a 3rd world country.
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Meetings: @ Circuit Surfers:
Lists upcoming perfusion meetings around the world. Describes the curriculum, the venue, the host city or country, and of course details the continuing educations units available to attendees.
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STS: @ Circuit Surfers:
The Society for Thoracic Surgery (STS) national cardiac database is the all-consummate monster of consolidated data requirements that most cardiac programs subscribe to. This section includes valuable links and on-line resources for STS data managers. Customized perfusion data collection forms may be downloaded here.
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Equipment: @ Circuit Surfers:
This section is like an online perfusion flea market, for all things perfusion equipment. You can find equipment evaluations, equipment for sale, equipment for donation, or equipment needed here.
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Product Reviews: @ Circuit Surfers:
This section is is for new technologies, whether equipment hardware, disposable (cannulae) simulators, or new approaches to clinical perfusion management.
There is some exciting stuff to be found here !
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Perf_Surveys: @ Circuit Surfers:
This is a section devoted to perfusion related surveys that have been forwarded to the international community here on Circuit Surfers. Links to open surveys, on-line results, and survey analysis / results can be found here.
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Perf_Stories: @ Circuit Surfers:
This is a section devoted to perfusion related stories, clinical insights shared, as well as a perfusion interview section that includes interviews from perfusionists across the world, travelers, physicians, and patients as well.
This section represents the core and guts of Circuit Surfers Dot Com.
The material shared here- is what this site is all about.
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Perf_Profiles: @ Circuit Surfers:
This is a section devoted to chronicling the lives of individual perfusionists in their home countries or on their travels. There are some extraordinary series found here.
Examples are: A Roman Dialogue; Letters From Ecuador; The Adventure DownUnder; and the First Year Out…
This section represents the core and guts of Circuit Surfers Dot Com.
The material shared here- is what this site is all about.
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Jobs: @ Circuit Surfers:
This is a section devoted to finding jobs for New Grads, Locums, as well as out-of-work perfusionists.
There is a Hiring Section, an on-line resume’ section, and a section for perfusionists that have found a job directly or indirectly through Circuit Surfers Dot Com.
This is completely free for the prospective employer as well as the job seeker!
Troubleshooting: @ Circuit Surfers:
This is a new Section. We are trying to develop a database of common or not-so-common problems encountered by perfusionists during CPB.
This is not an “Incident Report” section.
It’s really more of a registry of the odd things that can happen on bypass- as opposed to submitting a department report or seminal event.… You know- the totally odd confluence of events that can lead to a snowball effect of potentially seriously hazardous exposure for the patient?
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Comment: @ Circuit Surfers:
Click to leave a general comment to Circuit Surfers.