Perfusion NewswireBlood ManagementA Fresh New Look at Pump Blood: Evaluation of 4 Different Autotransfusion Devices (EP Video)A Fresh New Look at Pump Blood: Evaluation of 4 Different Autotransfusion Devices (EP Video)Epic StaffingBlood Management, Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone
Circuit Surfers, Perfusion Art Perfusion Art: “Unexpected Game Plan” “Unexpected Game Plan” ____________Click image to enlarge Photographer: Frank Aprile, BBA, LP, CCP Equipment: Digital Editing: Photoshop: Cropping: Hue & Contrast adjustments: […]
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Induction and Detection of Disturbed Homeostasis in Cardiopulmonary Bypass During cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) haemodynamic alterations, haemostasis and the inflammatory response are the main causes of homeostatic disruption.
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone AmSECT’s Strategic Plan 2014-2016 (EP Video) New AmSECT president Jeffrey Riley present his strategic plan for AmSECT (29:626 Minutes).