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Perfusion Newswirei-Pump Quick ReferenceQuick Reference: Vacuum Assisted Venous Drainage

Quick Reference: Vacuum Assisted Venous Drainage

  1. Connect vacuum line from the wall to the
    regulator on the right mast of the pump and set it to -50mmHg.
  2. Attach the vacuum assist tubing set to the
    regulator on the left mast of the pump.
  3. Test the regulator so the vacuum range is from
    -20 to -50mmHg.
  4. Attach the other end of the vacuum assist tubing
    to the vent port.
  5. Measure the negative pressure on the venous
    reservoir with a pressure transducer.
  6. Once on CPB, clamp the pigtail on the vacuum
    assist tubing. 
  7. Adjust vacuum as necessary to increase drainage. Do not exceed -50 mmHg.
  8. Communicate with anesthesia to make sure all IVs
    are turned off.
  9. With a centrifugal pump, positive flow needs to
    be maintained at all times.
  10. Always release the vacuum when going down on
    flow or weaning from CPB.

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