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Perfusion Newswirei-Pump Quick ReferenceQuick Reference: Massive Air Embolism

Quick Reference: Massive Air Embolism

  1. Clamp arterial and venous lines.
  2. Notify surgical team.
  3. Put patient in trendelenburg and compress carotid arteries until retrograde perfusion starts.
  4. Remove all air (Perfusion and Surgeon).
  5. Increase FiO2 to 100%.
  6. Crash cool.
  7. For approximately 3 minutes, run hypothermic retrograde perfusion through SVC at 300-500 mL/min, keeping CVP <25mmHg. 
  8. Consider hyperbaric chamber if available.
  1. 2-4 grams methylpredisone or 20 mg dexamethasone by Anesthesia.
  2. Consider barbiturate coma.

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