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Neuroprotection During Cardiac Surgery

Cardiac surgery continues to be associated with significant adverse cerebral outcomes, ranging from stroke to cognitive decline. The underlying mechanism of the associated cerebral injury is incompletely understood but is believed to be primarily caused by cerebral embolism and hypoperfusion, exacerbated by ischemia/reperfusion injury. Extensive research has been undertaken in an attempt to minimize the incidence of perioperative cerebral injury, and both pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies have been investigated. Although many agents demonstrated promise in preclinical studies, there is currently insufficient evidence from clinical trials to recommend the routine administration of any pharmacological agents for neuroprotection during cardiac surgery. The nonpharmacological strategies that can be recommended on the basis of evidence include transesophageal echocardiography and epiaortic ultrasound-guided assessment of the atheromatous ascending aorta with appropriate modification of cannulation, clamping or anastomotic technique and optimal temperature management. Large-scale randomized controlled trials are still required to address further the issues of optimal pH management, glycemic control, blood pressure management and hematocrit during cardiopulmonary bypass. Past, present and future directions in the field of neuroprotection in cardiac surgery will be discussed.

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