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Platelet Function Testing and Prediction of Procedural Bleeding Risk
However, uncertainties remain about how well platelet function testing may predict haemostasis and guide management of bleeding risk.
Aortic Valve Replacement With the Jostra MECC System Versus Standard Cardiopulmonary Bypass: A Randomized Prospective Trial
BACKGROUND: We prospectively evaluated a newly introduced minimal extracorporeal circulation system (Jostra MECC System; Jostra AG, Hirrlingen, Germany) for aortic valve surgery. […]
Preoperative Heparin Therapy Causes Immune-Mediated Hypotension Upon Heparin Administration for Cardiac Surgery
To evaluate whether patients with positive or negative heparin antibodies who received heparin preoperatively by continuous infusion developed cardiovascular changes upon heparin administration prior to cardiopulmonary bypass.