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Optimizing Cerebral Perfusion and Hemodynamics During Cardiopulmonary Bypass Through Cannula Design Combining In Silico, In Vitro And In Vivo Input
From this we propose another easy-to-manufacture cannula design (opti2CAN) that decreases areas burdened by high WSS, while preserving physiological cerebral flow and favorable hemodynamics. With this novel cannula design, we propose a cannulation option to reduce neurological complications and the prevalence of stroke in high-risk patients after CPB.
Assessing the Collateral Damage of the Novel Coronavirus: A Call to Action for the Post-COVID-19 Era
This paper explores the contemporary issues impacting healthcare resources during the pandemic and makes recommendations for identifying an appropriate balance of their use to optimize patient care.
Diathermy Smoke Shown to be Hazardous, So Why Are We Not Protecting Ourselves?
Diathermy smoke has been studied for over three decades and data has been collected to establish its composition.