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Can Extra Protamine Eliminate Heparin Rebound Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery
Postoperative protamine infusion was able to almost totally abolish heparin rebound. In the context of this study, protamine infusion resulted in reduced postoperative bleeding but the magnitude was insufficient to alter transfusion requirements.
Serological Investigation of Patients with a Previous History of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia who are Re-exposed to Heparin
We conclude that among patients with a previous history of HIT who are reexposed to intraoperative (but not postoperative) heparin, the risk of recurrent HIT appears to be low, but is possible if antibodies with strong heparin-independent platelet-activating properties are formed.
Perfusion Art: Red Weave
“Red Weave” _______________________Click image to enlarge Photographer: Prashant Londhe Equipment: Digital Editing: Photoshop: Cropping: Hue & Contrast adjustments: Contrast filter. Narrative: A […]