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Perfusion Newswirei-Pump Quick ReferenceQuick Reference: Bivalirudin (Angiomax) Protocol for HIT

Quick Reference: Bivalirudin (Angiomax) Protocol for HIT

  1. Make sure to communicate with anesthesia to make
    sure their central line and swan catheters are not heparin coated.
  2. Cell saver anticoagulant is ACD or Bivalirudin at
    0.1 mg/ml.
  3. Standard amount of volume expander (Albumin) should be added to the prime.
  4. Pump prime:  Add 50 mg after RAP.  Continuously re-circulate prime after
  5. Anesthesia loading dose: bolus of 1 mg/kg given
    over 5 minutes.  Administer at the same
    time heparin normally would.
  6. Constant infusion dose by anesthesia: 2.5 mg/kg/hr.  Infusion can be adjusted in 0.25 mg/kg
    increments.  Discontinue 15 minutes prior
    to coming off CPB.
  7. If clot is seen at the field or in the circuit,
    add a 25 mg bolus to the circuit.
  8. ACT levels:
    • Pre-CPB:  2.5 x baseline ACT.
    • On CPB: 2.5 x baseline ACT, checked every 15 minutes.
    • Check an ACT after infusion has stopped.
  9. Avoid stagnation in the CPB circuit.  Keep purges open or re-circulate every 15
    minutes.  Cardioplegia should be
    continuously re-circulated.
  10. Realize that using a hemoconcentrator will lower
    the bivalirudin level.
  11. After coming off CPB, an additional 50 mg should
    be added to the reservoir.  Keep the
    circuit re-circulating until it can be transferred to the cell saver for

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