Perfusion Glitches: Deprimed Cardioplegia Line

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Event Description:
Dear sir,
I recently encountered a problem with my cardioplegia line depriming following my initial arresting dose.
It was during the middle of the first distal anastamosis, and I took the clamp off of my cardioplegia line to reposition it. It immediately filled with air. I was shocked because the line was still occluded by the delivery system, so I thought perhaps my aortic root vent was on too high and had created a strong enough negative pressure to pull air out of solution (blood).
As it turned out, my luerlock connection was off by a pinprick- and just loose enough to pull air (negative pressure from vent line) through it when I momentarily moved my clamp.
I re-tightened the connection and I informed the surgeon. We reprimed the line by flushing the air out through the root vent.
Thank you for allowing me to share this event.
How Was The Problem Identified?
- Watched the line deprime.
What Steps Were Taken ?
- Lines reconnected
- De-aired via AO root vent Issue Resolved
What Clues Were Missed?
- None: Everything was double and triple checked.
- First time I ever saw that happen.
- No issues.
- None
Want to Share a Problem or Unique Perfusion Issue?
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(Click Image to View Summary of Glitches)